HomeResumeHere's How To Become a Resume Writer

Here’s How To Become a Resume Writer



Looking to become a professional resume writer or want to know the expert tips that experienced resume writers use? Here's the 101 on resume writing.

To be a good resume writer, one has to be familiar with what employers are looking for when reviewing resumes. Employers get hundreds of resumes when they advertise for a job opening. A good resume writer wants to make certain that their resume stands out.

Whether you are writing a resume for yourself or someone else, you must keep the following tips for writing a resume in mind.

How To Write a Good Resume in 8 Easy Steps

Whether you're writing your first resume or just want some more advice on how to improve your resume writing skills, these easy steps can help:

Make your resume stand out.

Although, as a resume writer, you will want to make sure that the resume stands out, you will want the document to stand out because of accomplishments and experience that pertain to the job at hand. You do not want to use trickery such as colored paper and fancy fonts to make sure that the resume stands out unless you are a resume writer for someone who is seeking a job in a creative field. In most cases, a resume writer should strive to provide a professional resume for his or her client.

Understand your past professional experiences.

If you are a resume writer for a client who is paying you to create a resume, you will need to find out as much about the client as possible. Many people hire a resume writer because they have no idea how to create a proper resume for themselves. Many people do not have an idea of what type of accomplishments are needed to be included in their resume. They will understate their abilities. Your job, as a resume writer, will be to draw out their different accomplishments so that they conform to the job which your client is seeking.

Make sure you include the proper contact information.

You will want to make sure that the top of the resume includes the name and all contact information of your client, including an e-mail address. You will also want to make certain that the job in which your client is applying for is listed at the top of the resume.

Include all relevant qualifications.

A good resume writer finds out what qualifications the employer is seeking from a potential employee and highlights those accomplishments in the resume. Many people actually have to have this drawn out of them. As a resume writer, you will have to spend some time in speaking to your client about the details of his or her last job and exactly what they did. They may be hesitant at first, or modest. Ask many different questions such as whether they know how to do certain tasks. They may take certain duties that they performed in their last job for granted and not divulge them at first, but if they are important in their new job, they should be listed on the resume.

Use the right resume template.

There are many different software programs for a resume writer to use, as well as templates available on most word processing programs. Once you have created the resume for your client, you can put the information on several different templates and formats to see which meets with the approval of your client. You see some job winning resume templates at SeeResumes.com.

Professional experience should be listed correctly.

A good resume writer will not leave out any experience or accomplishments that will help their client earn the job in which they seek. All experience should be used in a bullet format. This makes it easier for the prospective employer to read. Any inconsequential information should be left out of the resume. In many cases, a client will provide too much information that has nothing to do with the job they are seeking. You want to make sure that you list all experience, education, and accomplishments and elaborate where needed. You will want to make sure, as a resume writer, that you list the places of employment as well as the dates from which your client was employed at these businesses.

Don't forget how important educational experience can be.

Education should not be underestimated but should come after the employment experience in a resume. A good resume writer will list post graduate information first, as well as the name of the University or College attended along with the undergraduate school and degrees. If there is no college, high school education must be listed on the resume by the resume writer as well as the date of graduation. Any extracurricular activities, that your client participated in during high school should also be mentioned on the resume.

Leave out the fluff.

Leave out personal information, political affiliations, hobbies, and family information from the resume. It is not necessary to for a prospective employer to know that your client enjoys reading unless they are applying for a job as a professional reader of some sorts.

Make sure your resume client is satisfied!

Once you have all of the information, give your client an opportunity to view different samples of their resume that include different formats and papers. Allow your client to choose which resume he or she thinks is best and reflects their personality. As a professional resume writer, your job is to do your best to promote the abilities of your client as well as please him or her with the perfect resume product.

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